Tag Archives: Cancer

Bursts That Beat Cancer

In fact, it might take less than five minutes a day to reduce your cancer risk dramatically

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Walk the Risks Away

How about the risks of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer or another cause. New research suggests those health “complications” (we consider death the ultimate health “complication”) can be significantly reduced simply by walking

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The Anti-Cancer Combo

The dreaded “C” word strikes fear into even the hardiest of souls, and for good reason. Cancer is one of an ever-declining group of health scares that resists a cure. Sure, early detection strategies are improving and rates of remission continue to climb with many types of cancer, but it’s still one of the few […]

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Prevent Cancer in 5 Hours

five hours a week of physical activity, and data continues to support recommendations to engage in at least that much to make a significant dent in your cancer risk

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Eating After Cancer

A poor diet can lead to cancer, and poor diet is more common even after battling cancer

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