Managing Low Back Pain: Tips and Strategies for Relieving Your Pain at Home

Self-care is extremely important to our physical, social, and mental well-being. There are a variety of ways to take care of your health, but many people overlook the importance of simple home remedies that can effectively manage low back pain.
Here are just a few of the things you can do at home to help manage lower back pain.

Exercise Regularly

Staying active is one of the most important things you can do to manage your pain levels. Regardless of how you exercise (as long as you’re not overworking your back), engaging in regular physical activity can help to improve your flexibility, strength, and overall health, resulting in less pain. If you are worried about what activities you can safely engage in with low back pain, talk with your chiropractor.

(Not interested in staying active? You will be glad to know that most people who choose not to make any lifestyle changes to speed up the recovery process will still get better eventually.)

According to one study, Pilates, stabilization or motor control, resistance training, and aerobic exercise training are the most effective treatments for adults with low back pain. So if you have low back pain, consider starting a regular exercise routine that includes any of these – or try them all and see what works best for you!

Go for a Walk

In addition to a regular exercise routine, another way to help manage low back pain is by walking regularly. Not only can regular walking help keep your muscles flexible and strong, but it also allows you to get out of the house or office and enjoy some much-needed fresh air and natural sunlight. To get started, start with short walks at a slow pace and gradually build up your endurance.

Apply Heat or Ice Packs

Applying heat or ice to your low back can be a great way to relieve tightness and pain. If you’re dealing with chronic pain, try using an ice pack first to help reduce inflammation and swelling. Then, keep using it regularly throughout the day to help soothe discomfort. Alternatively, if you’re dealing more with stiffness than pain, try using a heat pack instead to loosen up your muscles and increase circulation.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Believe it or not, the power of your mind can affect the severity of your pain. You can manage your discomfort more effectively by practicing mindfulness and other relaxation techniques.

In fact, according to one study, mindfulness is associated with the deactivation of the prefrontal and greater activation of somatosensory cortical regions. In short, mindfulness can help relieve your pain by changing the way you think about it.

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques can be a great way to lower your stress levels and help reduce overall pain. Breathing exercises, meditation, listening to soothing music, or journaling can be helpful and reduce pain.

Take-Home Points

Overall, managing low back pain doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. Talk with your chiropractor today about doing some simple self-care activities at home that can keep your back healthy and ease the discomfort!

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