Chiropractor Roswell GA 30075 | Halan Chiropractic

Walking: The Power of Speed

Walking is good for your health, pure and simple. The more steps you walk per day, every day, the healthier you are in terms of reducing your risk of countless health problems. The research is clear – and growing on a seemingly daily basis. But does it matter how fast you walk when you’re getting your steps in? When it comes to type 2 diabetes prevention, the answer is an emphatic yes.

It’s not going to be easy; according to new research, we’re talking about at least 3-4 miles per hour; that’s a mile every 15-20 minutes. If you think strolling through the park will get it done … it won’t (although walking at any pace is still better for you in terms of your overall health compared to sitting on the couch at home). This study is fairly definitive, in that it analyzed 10 previous studies involving more than half a million participants.

Results also proved “dose dependent,” meaning the faster one walked, the lower their diabetes risk. For example, walking at a pace of more than 4 miles per hour reduced risk the most, while walking 3 miles per hour reduced the risk the least. The bottom line: If you’re a regular walker, pick up the pace! If you don’t walk often (or at all), now’s the time to start – and as mentioned, not just to reduce your type 2 diabetes risk, but to improve your health and wellness on multiple levels.

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