Chiropractor Roswell GA 30075 | Halan Chiropractic

The Healthy Low-Carb Diet

Limiting carbohydrates continues to be a popular weight-loss trend (for people who aren’t interested in taking weight-loss medications that have proliferated the market recently). However, it’s important to recognize that eating fewer carbs isn’t the only factor – or the most important factor, according to research – when it comes to maintaining weight loss. The type of carbs you consume in limited quantities still makes a major difference.

Case in point: a study that utilized data from three previous investigations involving nearly 125,000 adults on low-carbohydrate diets. Low-carb diets that provided high-quality proteins, fats and carbs from whole grain and healthy plant-based foods were associated with slower long-term weight gain compared with low-carb diets emphasizing animal proteins / fats and/or refined carbohydrates.

Losing weight is only half the battle; maintaining it over the long term is the real challenge – and why the vast majority of people who lose weight not only gain it back, but gain back more than they originally lost. (By the way, that’s a major concern with weight-loss drugs; by losing weight without changing lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise, you never learn how to keep the weight off without relying on the medication.)

Many types of diets can assist in weight loss, but they can all be effective if maintained over time and combined with consistent exercise, stress reduction, ideal sleep and other habits that help you shed the pounds – and keep them off. Your doctor can help outline a weight-loss strategy that works for you.

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