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Chiropractic Care for Ankle Injuries

Dr. Ryan Marshall

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nkle injuries are quite common and can re occur frequently when not treated properly. Along with the ankle being affected, after an ankle injury you may also develop other issues like knee, foot and back pain. What many people don’t realize is that chiropractic care can be very beneficial to help not only your ankle but any other issues that arise due to the ankle injury.

What Causes Ankle Pain

The most common cause of ankle pain is an ankle sprain. Most sprains happen when an ankle is twisted during walking, running, jumping etc. When a sprain occurs the ankle will very often swell and become bruised. Additionally, the ligaments can be torn and scar tissue will also form.

Ankle injuries can take a long time to recover. Generally, if it is the first injury to the ankle, you can expect a 4-6 week recovery period and even longer on repeat injuries. If you leave the ankle untreated, you are more likely to have repeat injuries down the road.

What Else Can Be Affected After An Ankle Injury

When you have an ankle injury that is not treated other areas of your body can be affected as well. Most commonly you can expect to possibly experience knee pain, back pain, your arches could collapse, you could have foot pain and more. You may also have joint and ligament issues. Additionally, your ankle may be weak and unstable and not have the range of motion it had prior to your first injury. As you further injure your ankle chances of developing more scar tissue is also high.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

If you have had an injury to your ankle you can greatly benefit from chiropractic care for your ankle and any other areas of your body that have been affected due to the ankle injury. Chiropractors may use a variety of treatment methods including:

How Long Will Treatment Last

A treatment plan for an injured ankle is ongoing. Initially you may need to visit the chiropractor several times a week. This might last for a week or two. Your visits will then be further apart. Ongoing maintenance care is usually recommended even after the ankle is completely healed.

Everything Else You Need To Know

While some people are apprehensive about visiting a chiropractor, they should not be. On your first visit you can expect to give a medical history, be examined and most often receive your first treatment. Treatments are gentle and relief can very often begin after just one treatment.

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