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Biotechnology: How Science Impacts Our Diet

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]iotechnology is the science that allows the food industry to modify the DNA of crops and animals. Biotechnology also is known as genetic engineering.

The following are some examples of how biotechnology impacts or could impact the foods we eat:

Benefits of biotechnology
The following are benefits of biotechnology:

Regulation of biotechnology
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Dept of Agriculture (USDA), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) all regulate bioengineering.

Foods derived from biotechnology are not labeled as such unless they are significantly different from their conventional alternatives. However, the food label must list the presence of any allergens or any differences in nutritional quality from the conventional alternative. Any food labeled ‘organic’ cannot contain any genetically modified organisms.

Concerns about the use of biotechnology
Some people are worried about the possible inclusion of allergenic foods into foods that generally do not contain them. For instance, if a peanut DNA were added to a form of produce, a person who was allergic to peanuts could become ill from eating the produce.? However, the FDA regularly tests foods to prevent this from occurring, and any food that contains a common allergen must include this information on its food label.

The introduction of unnatural hormones to our food supply has many people concerned. Other individuals are concerned about possible resistance to antibiotics, although no evidence exists to show that this has occurred.

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